Posts tagged Extended Essay
Tackling the Extended Essay

The school year may be over for many students (yay!) but for students halfway through the IB Diploma Programme the summer, while a chance to take a short break, is also an opportunity to get a head start on upcoming deadlines. One assignment that students will need to spend time working on is their Extended Essay (EE). A mandatory component of the Diploma Programme, this 4,000-word independent research essay is the behemoth that makes many an IB student quake in their boots and lie awake at night. But fear not! The EE can be broken down into a manageable, stepped process and - with the right guidance - can be turned into not just a manageable task but one of the most rewarding learning experiences that IB students are exposed to. Here are my key student tips for success.

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The Role of Reflection in the Extended Essay

As a member of the curriculum review team for the Extended Essay, I was recently asked to feed back to the team leader my thoughts on the role of reflection in the EE process. Reflection received a new and substantial emphasis in the current EE guide (first assessment 2018) with the introduction of the Researcher’s Reflection Space (RSS), formal reflection sessions and the Reflections on planning and progress form, more commonly known as the RPPF. What follows here are my own thoughts on the role of the reflection in the EE process, in light of the input of the many thoughtful contributions from my fellow team members.

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