
 Why The Learning Curve?

Any student who has started the IB Diploma Programme knows that the learning curve, especially at the start, is steep. Not only do students need to balance the requirements of six subjects across different areas, they are also challenged through the compulsory Core components of Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay. Both of these require students to demonstrate a mastery of knowledge and skills they have not yet encountered in their educational journeys, at least probably not through formal teaching. And yet, a demonstration of the critical thinking, research and communication skills they require are exactly what universities and colleges are looking for in successful applicants.

Beyond high grades in individual subjects they are looking for students who are reflective, principled, open-minded inquirers. Students who can ask the right questions, stay abreast of global issues and articulate their interests with confidence. Students who have the ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesise clearly. These are the higher thinking skills which are developed and evidenced through the IBDP Core components of Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay. They are also the most challenging aspects of the IB Diploma Programme to do well in. That’s where The Learning Curve can help.


The Learning Curve is a dedicated education consultancy that specialises in IB Diploma Core advisory and tutoring services and university admissions.

Based in Hong Kong, it is led by experienced IB educator Alethea Bleyberg who has worked in international schools in Beijing, Hong Kong and Singapore since 2005. She has a 15-year track record of achieving outstanding results with students in the Core components and university admissions.

The Learning Curve believes that success in the Core components of the Diploma Programme puts students ahead of the curve when it comes to making their college and university applications stand out from the crowd. Often overlooked, it is an investment in the Core that will truly reap the rewards that motivate students to reach their full academic potential, while building transferable, 21st Century skills that will allow students to thrive in higher education and life.


Alethea Bleyberg

IB Educator and Learning Curve Founder


As both my parents were IB educators and administrators, I had the privilege of growing up on the campuses of international schools and I am a graduate of the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) myself. As such, I understand both the transformative power of the IB curriculum, and its ability to open doors to the world’s most selective institutions.

After receiving my undergraduate and MPhil degrees from Cambridge University, I began my career in international education in Beijing in 2004. Since then, I have worked in world leading international schools in Hong Kong and Singapore and have established a 15-year track record of achieving outstanding results with students in the Core components of the IB Diploma and university admissions. 

Most recently I was a member of the high school leadership team at an international school in Singapore where I was also an academic board and examinations board member, IB Diploma Coordinator, TOK Coordinator and TOK teacher. Prior to that, in Hong Kong I have worked at international and ESF schools as an Extended Essay Coordinator, TOK Coordinator & teacher and university guidance counsellor. At my last position in Hong Kong, my key role in the delivery of the IBDP Core increased the average Core scores from 1.3 to 2.62 out of a possible 3, and earnt my place on the Senior School Executive Team and the title of ‘Master Teacher’. 

As a university guidance counsellor, I have supported dozens of students with university applications to top universities in the UK, Hong Kong and the rest of the world. As a specialist overseeing the Oxbridge application process in previous schools, I have led every part of the application process including personal statement writing, pre-interview test registration and training, UCAS application submission, and interview preparation.

My former students now study at Oxford University, Cambridge University, UCL, Imperial, Durham University, LSE, King’s College London, , Bristol University, University of Hong Kong, CUHK, HKUST, Cornell, Stanford, Brown, NYU, UCLA and UNSW amongst others. 

Originally from the United Kingdom, I grew up bilingually in the Netherlands as a ‘third culture kid’. I have two degrees in the social and political sciences from the University of Cambridge along with teaching and counselling qualifications, and, as a lifelong learner, I am currently completing my doctorate in international education at the University of Bath. I am also an IB examiner in the Core components and am a member of the IB’s Extended Essay curriculum review team.


Professional Memberships



EdD Research in Education Candidate
University of Bath

MA (Hons), Social and Political Sciences
University of Cambridge

MPhil in Modern Society, Global Transformations
University of Cambridge

PGCE in Secondary Education
University of Sunderland 

Advanced Certificate in Careers Education and Counselling
University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Registered Teacher
Hong Kong Education Bureau

IB Trained 
IB Diploma Coordination, Extended Essay Coordination, Theory of Knowledge Coordination, and teaching the IB English Language & Literature and Literature courses

IB Examiner
For the World Studies Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge essay since 2014

Alethea Teaching
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