Posts tagged ATL Skills
9 Tips to Manage Home Learning for Your Kids

This academic year Hong Kong’s schools, teachers and parents have been handed the challenge of managing students’ education through distance and online learning for an extended period of time. While this presents some significant upheavals to daily routines, especially when parents are also working from home, there are ways to manage home learning so that students can still continue with their studies and get the most out of the current situation. With a little bit of planning ahead and the setting of expecations, home schooling needn’t put a lot of strain of your family routines. Here are my tips for managing schooling in a home environment:

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Alethea BleybergATL Skills
How to Study for Exams: a Students’ Guide to Revision Strategies that Work

Benjamin Franklin once quipped that only two things in life were certain: death and taxes. While taxes are certainly unavoidable in adult life, for most students it is the sitting of exams that looms more immediately, and often menacingly, on the horizon. And living with an anxious teen in the run up to important exams is no walk in the park for parents either! While students know that they are expected to study, popular but passive strategies such as re-reading notes and highlighting textbooks are rarely effective. And that’s a shame since research shows that proper exam revision can increase performance considerably. So, ditch the reading and highlighting and get on board with these engaging teacher-approved techniques for exam success:

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Alethea BleybergATL Skills